Posts with tag: "letterpress"
Friday 04 February
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I just added these three items to Etsy... and I woke up to a lovely surprise: I had some mini-cards featured in a new Treasury!  Go check it out, there are some really unique items in there :)





Thursday 03 February
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I just love my tiny press.  I like the sound it makes, the smell of the ink, the history of it, the worn-off paint, the heavy iron, the mechanics of it... it's really a great piece to be able to own and work off of.

So, in honor of my press, Day 29: I heart my letterpress!

50mm 1.4, f/1.4, 1/15sec, ISO 1600, no flash


Thursday 27 January
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I ordered a new plate from Boxcar with some Valentine's day designs and it was due to arrive today (Wednesday).  I spent Tuesday evening getting all the paper ready so that once the plate arrived, all I had to do was divide it up and get to work.  I am proud to announce that the entire floor of the front room/studio area is covered in freshly-printed items.  I'll be adding these and a handful more of new items to my Etsy shop over the next couple days, so feel free to stop by and take a peek.

So, the photos:

Day 22: Paper

28-135 3.5-6.5 @47mm, f/4.0, 1/6sec, ISO 1600, no flash (crazy processing in Lightroom)

Day 23: Printing Frenzy



28-135 3.5-6.5 @60mm, f/4.5, 1/100sec, ISO 400, flash@1/8 bounced off ceiling

A sample of some of the items:






Tuesday 04 January
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Over the holidays I was back home in Rochester, NY.  I was so close to Boxcar Press in Syracuse that I couldn't resist taking the time to visit.  Turns out that the whole family wanted to go, so there were five of us on the tour.  Let me tell you, those folks are wonderful!  I contacted Cathy and she got me set up with a time and date.  When we came by, it was pajama day.  That right there could've made the tour for me.  Cathy generously spent a good hour and a half with us and took us through every section of the building and showed us the individual steps in their process from making a design into a plate to operating a Heidelberg windmill.  My dad even got to pull a test impression on a freshly made plate.  It was a really great experience.

Here are some shots (SOC) from our visit:






Sunday 19 December
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I'm now officially selling letterpress items.  I am setting up an Etsy shop at and have a new business Facebook page.  Check out Kozelsky Press and give it a 'Like'!  While you're there, feel free to swing on by KozelskyPhoto and give that a 'Like' as well to keep up to date with my projects.

I sold at my first art show over the weekend at Spin Cycle in association with Waldo Wildcrafts.  I didn't have a great spot, but I think that in general it went pretty well.  I brought the press with me and gave a couple of demonstrations during the afternoon.  I'll definitely be hauling it to any shows I do in the future.  

Here are a couple of shots of my setup: