So my friend Charlie and I have a problem. Our most favorite food in the world is pancakes. No joke. I totally have a shirt that just says 'pancakes' (nothing else on it, no pictures, no other words, just 'pancakes'... and it might happen to be my favorite shirt). Charlie nearly lost it when he saw me wearing it recently because this delicious food of the gods is totally forbidden on the Whole Life Challenge (eight weeks of super clean eating, getting exercise, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and being nice to people). This no pancake thing is really, really hard for us. I think during the first two weeks he actually went out to breakfast just to watch other people eat pancakes. Last time around I cheated on the WLC twice just to have an enormous chocolate chip pancake with whipped cream. I was in a comma for the rest of the day each time from the sugar crash, but it was totally worth it.
We may have some issues.
I am pleased to announce that I made WLC approved pancakes today! The WLC diet prohibits all grains and all sugars, so flour, sugar, and syrup are totally out. Fortunately, fruits, veggies, and eggs are allowed! I kind of combined a couple of recipes to arrive at this one with a sweet potato and banana base, topped with a raspberry coconut sauce. They don't taste just like traditional pancakes of course, but they are pretty yummy! Hopefully Charlie and his family will enjoy them as well. :)
1 Cup fresh raspberries
1 or 2 organic mejool dates, chopped/processed
1+ Tbsp shredded unsweetened coconut
2 Tsp coconut oil
Water or coconut water as needed to thin
--> Start the sauce first - combine all ingredients in a small pot and cook on low heat stirring occasionally until pancakes are done
1 medium cooked sweet potato, peeled and mashed
1.5 bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1 Tsp vanilla extract
1 or 2 dates, chopped/processed
2-3 Tbsp coconut or almond flour (if you're not on a grain/starch-free diet, any other gluten-free flour blend should work)
Water as needed to bring batter to desired consistency
Optional 1/4 Tsp baking soda
--> Beat eggs, add remaining ingredients, cook as you would normally do. I found that they were easier to flip if they were smaller in diameter due to the coconut/almond flour. This shouldn't be an issue with standard flour or a gluten-free flour blend.

To see another WLC recipe, check out this post about coconut macaroons!
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