Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted... I'm sorry guys!
The last few weeks have been a bit unbalanced, but it seems that things are starting to fall back into place now. We moved (and just finally got interenet connected yesterday, after 22 days, three tech visits to the house, and two different companies), I helped to throw a baby shower, I attended a funeral out of state, I changed phone service, I made some adjustments to the business, and still managed to put in 40 hours a week. I still don't know where everything is here at the new place, but we like it. We'll get it sorted out sooner or later!
My new phone number is 352-256-6842, so please be aware that the 585 number will be out of service shortly.
So! Day Six - Slovenia.
I just love Slovenia. Czech Repulic is always going to have the #1 spot in my heart, but Slovenia is running a close second. The country is fairly small but has such a wide range of geographic variation, it's surprising. Of course, Pia and Tine are pretty spectacular people, so that also helped! We felt instantly welcomed and like we had been friends forever. Ah! So wonderful. :)
So we had spent the night of Day Five at Tine's Parents' house. His mother is an architect and had designed their home. We got up fairly early on the morning of Day Six and headed out the door. Mike and Sam took the Panda to downtown Ljubljana and Tine and I picked up Pia from the salon - she had her makeup done that morning because we had a Beloved session planned! I have a separate post planned that goes into detail about their session, but for now I'll include just one photograph.

After the session, we met back up with Mike and Sam. I can't recall what they had planned for the morning, but whatever it was didn't really work out. It might have been something related to retrieving Sam's bank card that was eaten at an ATM in Cerknice... Anyway, we met up and headed over to a fantastic Spanish restaurant for lunch. It. Was. Amazing. I had a seafood paella (complete with tiny octopii and other sea things) and we all ate waaaay to much. I'm having vague recollections of sangria as well...
We went back to Pia's mother's house for a little rest (read: we were too full to move) and then decided to head up to the castle. Pia wisely decided on a nap... we had worn her out, and it was 100F+ degrees. Veeeery toasty, though not too unlike Florida.

We spent the afternoon at Ljubljana castle. One of the rooms was being used for an art exhibition, so we spent a little time there. We also wandered around a bit, visited the lovely little chapel, and went up the tower were Tine pointed out the landmarks of the city and different regions of the country.

We headed back to Cerknice to spend the night at Pia and Tine's house. When we got there, we picked up Amos (their dog) and went to the 'disappearing lake'. The lake is actually a section of a river that runs through the extensive underground cave system nearby. As the water level of the river changes, the level of this lake changes. It changes seasonally and also daily, it's really quite interesting. Amos was happy to get out and run around, and did manage to spend a little time in the water. By the time we got back for the night we were all exhausted from our two days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. It was such a pleasure to meet Pia and Tine in person and to visit their wonderful little country. I highly recommend it if anyone is thinking of a trip.

Wanna check out Pia & Tine's Beloved Session? It's right here.
More Europe? I've got a drive through Palmanova, Italy up to Vienna lined up for you, or more from Slovenia.
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