Posts with tag: "education"
Friday 12 July
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I am happy to announce that I'll be giving a course next Saturday - July 20th!  

I have found that there are a lot of folks out there who get an SLR (single lens reflex camera - a camera body with separate lenses that you can change such as a Canon T3i or 60D; a Nikon D5200 or D7000; or Sony A55) with the intention of learning how to use it, but they end up leaving it in an automatic mode most of the time or don't use it at all because they haven't figured it out yet.  This course will teach you how to navigate the basics of the camera so that you can really take advantage of what an SLR has to offer by shooting in manual mode.  


Some of the topics we will cover are:

- The basics of manual mode: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed

- Metering and bracketing

- Lens choice

- Focal points

- Composition


Shooting time is built into the course so you can put into practice what you learn right away and receive some guidance about how to get the shot you want.  Participants should bring their camera (including cards and batteries), lenses, camera manual, and something for taking notes.  


Call Kristin at 352-256-6842 or email her at kristin at to register.  There are only a few spaces left, so sign up now to reserve your spot!  Registration closes on Friday, July 19th.  

Thursday 25 October
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Entry number two!  In this one I cover some of the details that you will need if you're going to be looking for some funding to start or expand your business.  These details include:

- Calculating your startup costs

- Spreadsheets of projected expenses and income

- Business entity types

- Understanding assets vs liabilities

- What the frick is a DUNS number?

Anyway, here's the video.  I really need to learn how to set the image for the video... I always have stupid mid-word snapshots show up. :)



During the talk I mentioned some links that I would drop into the post, so here they are:

Startup Costs Calculator

Business entity types (per IRS)

SBA (Small Business Administration)

DUNS Number


Other categories for startup costs that I added that were not included in the calculator:

- Studio samples

- Improvements (e.g., reconstruction, adding security system, etc.)

- Office supplies

- Insurance (health insurance, liability insurance, insuring the space, etc.)


Other posts in this series: Video Series? What?

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Wednesday 17 October
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Hi folks!

I decided to try something new here and make a video/vlog/blog/thingy to talk about what's happening with the business with the hope that it might help others who are going through something similar.  This is a little introductory talk that discusses the funding situation - what options are out there and what I've tried so far.  This one is pretty rough, so you'll have to forgive me for that as it's my first one EVER!



More from this series: Details of Business Funding Stuff

Just want some pretty pictures from Europe?  I've got that too!

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