Posts with tag: "fine art"
Tuesday 15 July
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Sunday morning I woke up ready to get up and get going.  It was about 7:15am.  I thought about going to swim laps, but the pool didn't open until 11am.  I thought about going to the gym, but it didn't open until 9am.  I thought about a yoga class but could find one before 10am.  Everything I could think of was unavailable to me besides a bike ride on very wet roads or a morning walk.  So I chose a walk.  I grabbed the camera and selected the 35mm lens.  Normally, I like to take the 50mm with me on walks, so it was nice to have something that helped me see things a little bit differently.  I've found that it's a great creative practice to choose a different tool than what you're used to or to set some restrictions on yourself when you feel like you're 'stuck' and always repeating the same work.

In any case, I'm glad I went for the walk.  I spent time thinking about life and forgiveness (more on that another time) and just admiring the morning mist before the heat of the sun burned it off.  Florida has been seeming very much like a jungle these days - lots of rain and humidity so the vegetation is growing like crazy.  I think that may come across in a photograph or two... also, be sure to look for the neighbor's cat poking it's head through the fence. :)



Want more?  To see some photographs of a walk at Lake Ontario in NY State, click here!  If you're interested in ordering photographic reproductions, contact me at

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