For Thanksgiving last week, Citizens Co-op set up a special online ordering system so you could get fresh food for the holiday. I ordered two packs of local tempeh from Jose's tempeh and a bag of produce from Swallowtail Farms. Both have been excellent so far! The tempeh was cooked in onion and spices and has a very autumnal taste to it. The produce came in a wonderful bag. There were all kinds of goodies in there: turnips, sweet potatoes, salad greens, kale, arugula, fresh rosemary, purple bok choi, and so on. I used the turnips, sweet potatoes, and some of the rosemary in a lovely roasted root vegetable dish with some beets, onions, and carrots. I cooked down the greens for a veg version of southern greens, and I'm going to attack those salad greens for lunch today.
Swallowtail does run a CSA, so if you are interested in joining, please check them out at CSA stands for community supported agriculture. If you join a CSA, you pay a flat fee directly to a farm, and they provide you with a box of a variety of fresh produce every week. Joining a CSA is a great way to support local foods and farmers, as well as a sure way to always have healthy, fresh produce on hand.
For more information on Citizens Co-op, you can visit their website at