Today we were out for a Sunday drive in my lovely little car and found an old limestone quarry near Haille. We had to get out and explore, of course. We probably spent an hour down there walking around, throwing stones into the clear aqua water to try to guess how deep it was, watching fish, looking at fossils that fell out of the limestone, and enjoying the quiet.
Since it was so different from what you normally see here in oh-so-flat central Florida, I took quite a few shots. We'll call the first one 'The One' for the challenge... even though it's a diptych... the rest are just bonus. :) I was experimenting with trying to get a film feel to some of these images, so I embraced the sun flare and yellow-green tones in a handful of the photos. The color of the water made a lovely background for some detail shots as well. I would love to do a photoshoot here sometime...

28-135mm 3.5-5.6 @50, f/5.6, 1/400sec, ISO 400, no flash, polarization filter