Made it! I had one or two days there where I wasn't sure it would happen, but it did! Unfortunately, I didn't realize that yesterday was in fact Day 30, so I don't have any special picture to bring the whole thing full circle. I think I'm ok with that :)

50mm 1.4, f/1.4, 1/250sec, ISO 800, no flash
Some observations:
- Low-light shooting is hard. Doable, but hard.
- Quickly flagging, editing, and posting the best of a bunch in LR: my time from downloading the image to posting it online has probably been halved. This will be useful for a photography career :)
- Another lens would be lovely. More variety, more sharp images... yeah....
- I am (almost) never to busy to just take one photo and post it, so I should just go ahead and do it.
- Next time I'm doing this during the summer so I'll have more daylight photos (yay!)
- I really like details and narrow DOF.
- Simple is good.
- Shapes and lines are good.
- I can avoid 30 days of mostly food pictures!
- I routinely take photos that are rotated about two degrees off... I never, ever, EVER take a level photo.
- Don't be afraid to try moving the clarity slider BACKWARDS!!!! Who knew? Sometimes it works.
- Never leave home without the camera.
Hope it was enjoyable for you and thanks for following :)