Well, starting Thursday evening, I had some internet connection issues and then I was out of town for the weekend and just got back home. I figured that since there was so much to post, I would just put them all into one.
I have to admit that I am happy to be on the home stretch at this point. I have enjoyed the challenge so far and feel like I've started to learn something about my shooting style, but it does add a little stress to my day to come home after a full day of work and then come up with an idea for a photo... especially when it's been a slightly less than stellar day and I am not really in the mood. I do think that it is important to push through those moments and do what you set out to do. Sometimes those moments force me to get creative and the result something I wouldn't have otherwise done, so they have their merits. This challenge does force me to keep my eyes open and to focus on details that are easy to overlook.
Day 17: The necklace. Beth made this for me!

50mm 1.4, f/2.0, 1/30sec, ISO 800, no flash
Day 18: Decent Pizza. Not the best shot ever, but if you go to a pizza place with hand-tossed dough, then you just have to get this shot... even if you do have to use a really show shutter speed and it comes out kinda crappy. :)

28-135 3.5-5.6 @28mm, f/3.5, 1/30sec, ISO 3200, no flash
Day 19: Leaves. Now that it's nearly February, we're starting to see a handful of colorful leaves here and there. Florida is so weird.

28-135 3.5-5.6 @135mm f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 400, no flash
Day 20: Geometry.

28-135 3.5-5.6@ 135mm, f/5.6, 1/20sec, ISO 400, no flash