Posts with tag: "outside"
Sunday 24 March
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Went for a walk today at Morning Side... It was quiet out there since it was late afternoon just after a long rain.





To see some photos of nature from this winter up north,  click here!

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Tuesday 15 May
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I am excited to announce a special event this Saturday for all of our pet lovers out there.  Sweet Paws Bakery, Town and Country Veterinarians and Pet Resort, Bow Wow Couture, and I have teamed up to create a lovely little photo event this Saturday!



If you think this is neat, share it on the Facebooks!

Sunday 15 January
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Finally, a blog that is unified with my business's homepage (!  This is a very exciting moment for me, personally.  There may be some small adjustments here and there over the next month or so as I figure out what suits me best, but the web address will not change... this is the blog's new home.  I have imported the 2010 and 2011 archives, in case you feel that you need to go back and relive old times.  It was really interesting for me to go back and look at what I was working on a couple of years ago. I am thankful for having that record of my photographic journey through time.

Let's start the new blog with a few of my first pictures from this new year.  2012 is going to be a good one.  I can feel it. :)

These are photos from Bo's family's farm near Perry, Florida.


If you think this is neat, share it on the Facebooks!

Saturday 03 December
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I was very fortunate to head home for Thanksgiving this year and share the holiday with my parents and all of my siblings and their partners.  Needless to say, it was a full house. :)


We are people who enjoy going for walks and doing things outdoors, even if it is only 38 degrees out there.  The first few photos are from a walk up to the shore of Lake Ontario from our home.  The next batch is from the annual Turkey Trot, which our family participates in every year on Thanksgiving morning.  It conveniently starts between our house and the lakeshore, so we are able to walk up to the race and then walk home to a warm house and bloody marys afterwards.  :)


The last bunch of photos are from a park in our area that was renamed for my grandfather, Lucien Morin, who was the first County Executive in Monroe County and actually acquired about one third of all park lands in the county during his term.  It was the first time that most of us had visited the park.  If you're in Rochester area and would like to know where it is, just send me a note ( and I'll give you directions.  Yes, there were both an old, rusty car and a very cute niece in the park that day.































Friday 11 November
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The last bit of my 30-day film challenge happened when I was out in California, but I hadn't gotten the film back until yesterday.


Weird things seem to be happening with this film and camera... most things are not coming out as I expect them to at all, which makes for some interesting images.  On a number of the early-morning sunrise photos it looks like there were some shutter issues that blacked out portions of the images.  I'll have to do some research on curtains and film... I don't ever remember that happening in all the years I shot film before, but this is a different camera so who knows?


Anyway, enjoy the surprising weirdness :)